Critical Thinker
Being a critical thinker is very important in any part of life. Everyday we are making decisions based on critical thinking skills, and apply them to various problems and challenges we face. Critical thinking helps the motor functions within our brain, and helps you analyze, evaluate and make judgements based on the various things you hear, see or write. It is a very important skill that many employers look for when they are hiring, and even when colleges are going through applicants, schools are trying to determine winners for scholarships, etc.
This is a skill that is very useful to possess, and many underestimate the value of said skill. I have had the lucky opportunity to learn such skill through various instances in my life, and apply it to very significant circumstances such as work, college, and everyday use. An example of using this skill is when I worked at Dick’s Sporting Goods, and had to evaluate the inventory we had, and figure out what to do with surplus items in said inventory. I figured out quickly that storing these items, and displaying the most popular items found within the store the best decision, which looking back at, was a moment where I used critical thinking schools.
Another instance I applied critical thinking to useful means would be during each and everyday, when I try to evaluate what I want to do. Should I do homework? Should I go out with friends? Go to the store? This is an example of critical thinking that anyone can apply to their lives. It is in these moments where we make decisions each and every second, that our critical thinking shows. When the moments are more substantial, such as deciding to stay awake all night for an exam the following day or not, our critical thinking skills flourish in more fathomable ways than we think.
Problem Solver
Everyone is a problem solver, wether they think they are or not. Each and every day, we are thrown into situations or problems, where we have to find solutions minuscule or significant. With these problems we face, our brain thinks of many different solutions, or outcomes that we may tackle. There are some problems that require critical thinking to analyze the situation, and determine the best solution possible.
An example of the problem solving skill comes from when I had a project within University Perspectives my Freshman year of college. In this situation, all of my group members were sick with COVID-19, and I had to do the entire project by myself. I was able to sit, think, and analyze the situation over. I began to use critical thinking skills and applied them to the situation I was in, and eventually found a solution to the problem. It paid off, as I was able to get an A on the project itself.
Another example of where I applied this skill would be when I had to build an original invention during my Engineering Design and Development class in high school, during my Senior year. I was partnered with two other classmates, and we had to use the design process to figure out what we wanted to do, how we wanted to do it, and also how we were gonna do it efficiently. We were able to use our problem solving skills to create the original invention, and even did so while impressing engineers that came to observe our invention. Employers, professors and many officials within our lives look for individuals with good problem solving abilities. It is a very useful skill due to its use being apparent throughout each and every day of our lives.
Conversing with others is an important aspect of our lives, and is an even more important skill we must hone after learning. Communication is a skill that is very important, and is often known to be a skill that grows overtime with experience. The most professional of speakers have practiced their lines many of times, same goes with actors and politicians. Effective communication often represents both a business’s health and success, as well as individual engagement with others. Communicating is also good when you want to convey thoughts and feelings about certain situations, and often represents what you are thinking of.
This is a skill that I used throughout my life, but was put to the test when I worked at in retail. I had to greet customers, assist them with what they needed and talked about what they were possibly looking for within the store, and help shift various situations that occurred when I was working. These situations range from minuscule efforts to restock the store, to relieving possible confrontation between customers and coworkers alike. Good communication such a manner can improve the well-being of those who are effective with it.
With that, communication also helps many others including myself to be better problem solvers and critical thinkers. Good communication can assist with better decision making, and has done just that for me. A great example of this is when I had to communicate to various volunteers within a community funded event about what the best course of action was since it was about to storm. The event was being held outside, and I was able to effectively communicate to my fellow volunteers to move the event inside with the time we had, and to make the best of it. This not only alleviated our worries for the event, but also brought everyone together to make the event still occur. Communication is very important, because it can make situations like that much easier to manage if you are a good communicator.