Here’s a practice post for you to try out editing and publishing functions in WordPress.
Start by exploring the editing menu options for a post. Place this post in the “Foundations” category and then uncheck the “uncategorized” box.
Next, try typing text blocks to create new paragraphs. Note that when you hit return to end a paragraph, WordPress will create a new paragraph block for you to continue writing. Also, practice linking text to other websites.
When you have finished practicing, update the post and find the URL (web address). For most journal entries you will submit a web address to your instructor.
The post for your URL will look something like this:
Of course, your URL should incorporate your specific uark email (minus instead of the generic username. The post address includes your home page URL:
The URL will be followed by an embedded date:
The URL will end with a hyphenated title:
And that’s how you wind up with this: