My Passion, My Strength, My Motivation

My Passion

Movies have been a staple in my life since I could talk. My dad would take me to the theater and my little brain would explode at what was on the screen. Later in life, I learned about what I can take from movies to incorporate them into thoughts. Every part of a movie has to work right in order for the movie to succeed. 

Finding this out helped me apply the same thought process to complex ideas. When given part of something, to understand it you have to see the whole. Seeing the whole will then open the idea of looking at both sides of the coin. Looking at both sides is detrimental to solving problems or finding the problem in the first place.

Using this process and way of thinking will allow me to excel in my work because I don’t want to rush things. Having the patience and thought process will only guide my journey further into this world. Most importantly it will provide a way for me to see things that may not present themselves right away. Movies create this idea in heads to think outside the box and create thoughts that are unconventional yet work. 

My Strength

Perseverance takes time to understand and implement in our lives. Something my mother taught me early on was about strength and how to use it to my advantage. My mother has lived an eventful life with many bleak moments. What she went through taught me more about perseverance against all odds.

Going through difficult life changes while balancing a normal life can be challenging. Learning how to persevere allows for understanding problems on a deeper level. To be able to take a step back to re-analyze something is often helpful rather than not.

I want to use my perseverance to be a guide for others who have lived tough lives. I believe using this motivation helps me solve more problems, reevaluate better, and understand others on a deeper level. I will keep growing learning from the experiences me and my family have endured.

My Motivation

Everyone is different which sounds corny but is ultimately true. Having an openness when it comes to learning and understanding is something I’ve always been naturally good at. Whether it’s randomly learning about how nuclear bombs are made or understanding a person’s life to better get their actions. This is to me the biggest part in growing as humans.

Having no judgements when first learning about something or someone is needed. It will help create discussion and life changing decisions. Even when we believe it’s our doing, most of the time we’ve been given access to better understandings. From people, to books, and to articles, all these affect how we think.

I want to use this openness to excel in the workforce and become a better leader. I believe that by acting on this, I can make more calculated decisions when it comes to problems or dealing with people. When given a gift, we all must use it to our advantage to help out where help is needed. By this standard, I hope to bring an element needed when working with or for others. Since everyone is different, when majority of people can be open this can allow for the creation and implementation of new ideas.